Here's a consolidated list for the Hyatt, InterContinental and Marriott. Every code below is confirmed to work as of today. I have them more or less in order of what has worked best for me. It would be great if someone could help add to my list.


GE NC16700
GE International 13307
IBM 13717
Li & Fung 90010
Samsung 57039
Credit Suisse 12624
AAA 17500
AAA 15985
Credit Lyonnais 13516
Duty Free Shoppers N V 12114
Costco 13365
Bank Atlantic 79103
Senior Citizen 17497
Daimler Benz 99800
Company TVL Rate 68083
Company TVL Rate 23079


GE 000102806
IBM 000243132
Siemens 000104256
Ford 000103772
Federal Express 000109207
Ace Hardware 100862437
Travel Consultant IVTCD (have not used)


General Electric GEE
Siemens SIE
Ford FRD
General Motors GMC
Accenture ACC
Pepsi PEP

A few general comments:

1. GE works the best just about anywhere followed by IBM, but sometimes the Siemens and Samsung rates will amaze you. I just got 70% off at the Grand Hyatt in HK with Samsung for example.

2. I have used these probably 40 times in 10 countries and I get asked for ID 50% of the time. I have a stack of business cards I printed myself and they have worked 100% of the time. Never had a problem, even at times when I thought I may. For example, I have stayed at hotels where I got an exceptional discount to find out it was because the office was right next door (Intercontinental Beijing / IBM) and my self printed cards were not questioned.

3. I don't know about others experience, but I get upgraded 25% of the time using these codes and being "with" these corporations. I still laugh when I hear, "Sir, since you with company X I upgraded you to a suite". My best ever was a two-room suite for $81 a night (IBM discount).

4. On a personal note, this ethical debate is total crap. These hotels are obviously making money at these rates, and why should an executive of a multi-billion dollar corporation get a discount and then an individual pays more? You're leveling the playing field. If you’re still feeling guilty read this:


    1. IBMer

      I'm and IBMer and the answer for me is NO. The people at the desk don't know and don't care. This is no way of tracking you.

    1. IBMer

      I'm and IBMer and the answer for me is NO. The people at the desk don't know and don't care. This is no way of tracking you.

    1. Richard Gaskins

      Just used the IBM code in Columbia SC at the Hyatt. The Operations Manager sent me a email the day of arrival. She stated that she see's that I am using the IBM rate but did not use the IBM booking tool (special internal travel network). Persons not associated with IBM were using the code. IBM & the Hyatt now require a valid company ID to be shown when reservations are made outside of the IBM booking tool. If no ID can be provided the rate will change to the best available rate. Luckily I was prepared for this as I followed the advice in this thread by having business cards made for numerous companies. When I got to the front desk I was asked for my ID. I gave the clerk the business card, she looked at it and completed my check in with no problems.

    1. Richard Gaskins

      Just used the IBM code in Columbia SC at the Hyatt. The Operations Manager sent me a email the day of arrival. She stated that she see's that I am using the IBM rate but did not use the IBM booking tool (special internal travel network). Persons not associated with IBM were using the code. IBM & the Hyatt now require a valid company ID to be shown when reservations are made outside of the IBM booking tool. If no ID can be provided the rate will change to the best available rate. Luckily I was prepared for this as I followed the advice in this thread by having business cards made for numerous companies. When I got to the front desk I was asked for my ID. I gave the clerk the business card, she looked at it and completed my check in with no problems.

  1. Michael Cyrulik

    We are owners of Cyrulik Rental Properties since 1969 building some properties purchasing other properties residential & business we send our contractors to many areas of Midwest & other areas in the USA

  2. Michael Cyrulik

    We are owners of Cyrulik Rental Properties since 1969 building some properties purchasing other properties residential & business we send our contractors to many areas of Midwest & other areas in the USA

  3. Joe Bravo

    I had no luck with any Hyatt codes. Was planning a trip to Disneyland in CA and nothing seems to work. Any help is appreciated.

  4. Joe Bravo

    On another note, I want to say thank you for the person who created this site and for sharing the codes. Its about time something like this became available. I agree with what I read earlier about why the hell do big corporate ppl get massive discounts when they clearly can afford it. Blows my mind nd get me frustrated. More when I have to work over time just to pay the debt we created. Its an uphill struggle these days and something like this site is like a breath of fresh air. But like i said earlier, I tried a lot of these codes and none seem to work for me. I was trying the Hyatt ones but really, any hotel would do right about now.

  5. Joe Bravo

    I had no luck with any Hyatt codes. Was planning a trip to Disneyland in CA and nothing seems to work. Any help is appreciated.

  6. Joe Bravo

    On another note, I want to say thank you for the person who created this site and for sharing the codes. Its about time something like this became available. I agree with what I read earlier about why the hell do big corporate ppl get massive discounts when they clearly can afford it. Blows my mind nd get me frustrated. More when I have to work over time just to pay the debt we created. Its an uphill struggle these days and something like this site is like a breath of fresh air. But like i said earlier, I tried a lot of these codes and none seem to work for me. I was trying the Hyatt ones but really, any hotel would do right about now.

  7. Marie

    I hope somebody reads this board before months have gone by. As I search for a new home, I've had to stay in hotels and my credit card is nearing the limit just with hotel charges averaging $75 a night, and that's. With any discount I can find like F&F at Holiday Inn for 20% off.

    Going to try corp code to get decent rate in Southern CA. Any helpful tips greatly appreciated.

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